Friday, July 18, 2014

Corn test

When I see recipes or videos on the Internet...not THOSE kinds of videos!...I like to test them to see if they actually live up to their hype.  Slow cooker pulled pork?  Yes please!  Easy pineapple cake?  Delish!  Mentos in a two liter Coke?  Fun! Messy, but fun!  So I was eager to test the "Microwave Corn Perfectly" video I saw on Facebook recently.

I went back to find the actual video so that I could share it with you and couldn't find it.  I went to YouTube and did a search and found several that show the same results.  Microwave your corn and it will slide, silk and all, right out of the husk.  I've been eating corn for a LOT of years and you'd think I'd have heard about this before now.  But I hadn't.  And now my life has been transformed!  This is so easy I could have corn every single day!

Feel free to do your own video search.  If you'd rather get right to it, here's what you do:

1.  Get an ear of corn in the husk.  You'll probably want more than one.
2.  Put the corn, still in the husk, in the microwave.  All I did was snip the silk and the stalk so that it fit in the microwave.
3.  Microwave for 4 1/2 minutes.  I saw anywhere from 3-5 minutes in the videos I watched, but 4.5 worked perfectly in my experiment.
4.  Using an oven mitt, remove the hot corn from the microwave and place on a cutting board.
5.  Cut the stalk end approximately 1 inch above where the stalk attaches to the ear.  You'll lose just a little tiny bit of corn.
6.  Still using the mitt, grasp the corn by the silk and husk.  Squeeze gently and shake the corn.  The corn will slide right out with just a little bit of effort!  Silk free!!
7.  Butter and season to taste. 
8.  EAT!

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