Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This is harder than I expected!

Work is keeping me busy and I love it!  I had a message from a seller's agent before I even got out of bed at 6:30 this morning.  I took my husband to the airport on my way to a Keller Williams sales meeting.  I drove from there to meet with a lender to discuss ways he can help with a couple of buyers I am working with.  I ran home for a quick bite to eat (leftover chili, of course!) and then replied to several e-mail messages and made some phone calls.  And I still have several to plow through!  When I get through that I get to do some marketing and some lead generation and then I get to read a couple of big fat escrow packages. I Love It.  Seriously!

While some of that isn't exactly easy, it also isn't exactly hard.  What is hard is the crazy idea that I could do all of that, still have time to run and spend time with family and friends, and write a novel! I am so far behind on the writing that I am pacing to finish some time in late May! My niece would say "at least you'll finish!"  but my thought is "MAY!?  What part of 'write a novel in November' includes a May finish line?!"

One thing you should know if you're considering 1) buying or selling a house, or 2) writing a novel:  it CAN be done!  Call me!  I'd love to discuss your real estate needs or writing goals!

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