Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolution Run

Todd and I don't really make New Year's resolutions, but we do have a great running tradition. Last night we went for our 5th annual Resolution Run at the stroke of midnight.  Our friend Glen, who was just getting into running at the time, came up with the idea as a way to further commit ourselves to the activity for the coming year.  It has been an effective motivational tool and we've logged some good miles as a result.  Even after we moved to Reno we have run it "together".  A minute or two before midnight we call one another, count down the final seconds and take off running through our respective neighborhoods.  It was a brisk 12 degrees last night and we were concerned about our footing, but it was a good and safe run.
Photo from 2012, since I forgot to take a picture this year.

Glen also introduced us to the idea of bricks.  I've heard that stands for Bike, Run, Ick.  Whether that is true or not it certainly describes how I feel about it! I'm not a strong cyclist and I dread getting off the bike and running with those jelly-legs.  We started doing it to build up our running and I have to admit that the year I rode the most was also the year I ran fastest and with the fewest injuries.  My husband decided we should do one on Superbowl Sunday to balance the snack food we ate while watching the game. Another tradition that has stuck.  February 3, 2013...Superbowl Brick.

We also do the Bee Brick in mid to late February in honor of my Aunt Bee who lost her battle with pancreatic cancer a few years ago.  This is another solidarity event that a number of family members participate in from wherever they happen to be.  So...friends and family members who I am certain are religiously reading this blog...it is almost time to get your brick on!  Mark your calendars for February 23rd or 24th!

Happy New Year!


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