Friday, February 22, 2013

Slacking shame

I'm ashamed to admit how badly I've been slacking with my blog posts.  Which I'm sure all of you loyal readers have noticed!  My only (lame) excuse is that I've been so busy with work that I've pushed this to the back burner.  Even though I know certain work related activities (craigslist ads, Facebook posts, blog posts, tweeting, etc.) are part of the framework of my business that KEEPS me busy. If I want to stay off the work roller coaster I need to be consistent with these tasks!

So I'm back at it!

My busy-ness involved writing three offers in one day while trying to spend some quality time with family from Idaho.  All three offers were accepted...yay!...and my time with family was short but certainly quality.  We taught my brother-in-law, who is an excellent card player, how to play pinochle.  I am shocked that he didn't already know how to play.  I am, perhaps, even more shocked by how quickly he picked it up.  I've been playing for over 20 years and don't feel like I grasp some of the strategies he has already mastered.  Thank goodness for great partners!

Speaking of great partners, I'd like to thank Lisa Fleck and Shaun Bittick at Summit Funding.  These gals helped me with two of my deals and were responding to my calls and e-mails at all hours of the morning and night on a Sunday and a holiday Monday.  We're in a seller's market here in Reno and their prompt and knowledgeable assistance is a large part of why my buyers are under contract right now!

If you're looking for assistance buying or selling real estate in Reno or Sparks, Nevada give me a call!  If you're looking for snickerdoodles...check back tomorrow.  Great recipe coming!!

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