Saturday, August 18, 2012

Apple Pie!

I have some really fantastic neighbors.  Pretty much from the first week we moved in they have gone out of their way to make us feel welcome in our new home and new neighborhood.  I wish everyone that ever had to relocate could have such a positive experience.

Yesterday I baked a few pies to pay it forward.  I took one to a family that moved into our neighborhood last weekend.  I took another to one of the first families we met when we moved here. They are the family that you can't help but love.  We trust them with our house when we are away.  Every last one of them is smart and funny and kind and, above all, they have a wonderful sense of family.  The third pie is for another family that we adore.  Because the folks around us welcomed us with open arms I have made an effort to do the same to others.  I haven't been sorry even once.  This young family is just as nice as can be and the smile on their 3 year old's face makes it totally worth the effort!

Maybe you don't bake pies, maybe you don't bake at all...but if you see someone new moving to your neighborhood make the effort to stop and say hi.  You'll be glad you did!

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